12 November 2010

Three years

In the grand scheme of things, it's not a long time. But in knitting time and puppy time, it's a happy eternity. This lovely blanket has taken me three years to finish. I acquired the yarn on a Christmas trip to New York three years ago. I saw on another knitting blog that this lucky knitter had received thirty skeins of Koigu yarn for her thirtieth birthday. I was smitten. I was jealous. I went to Purl Soho and had to stop and do some deep breathing when I realized how much thirty skeins of Koigu would set me back. YIKES!! So I got some and added to it along the way. I was cranking this baby along in the first few months when this baby came along. . .
And that baby put an end to knitting for a while. Apparently, balls of yarn are LOTS OF FUN!!! Whether or not your mom appreciates you chasing after them and rolling them under furniture. So the poor blanket got packed away and not quite forgotten but. . . set aside. My big boy lets me knit know so slog along I have and finally finished it this week and stitched in my ends and I'm so so so proud of it and in love with it. I have no idea when I'll actually be able to snuggle under it because all I can imagine is those little puppy nails getting trapped in my millions and billions of stitches. So for nowit's over the back of a chair in my office where I can see it and know that it's done. And that makes me happy.

Also making me happy? That sweet puppy face above. He's sitting on my lap right now as I type. Our boy Roscoe turns three today. And I've loved every single second of every single day of it. And I'll take a million and billion more days please.


06 November 2010


Seems like an appropriate day to post pictures of blankets because it is SUPER CHILLY in the lowcountry this sunny morning. When I got up to take the puppies out, it was 40 degrees. Anyone that knows me would cut an eye at me if they thought I was complaining because I whine for months about how I'm ready for cold weather. (This year my complaints were mostly mosquito related as I actually sort of enjoyed summer. But that's our secret.) Anyway, these blankets are for two lovely boys on the west coast. Much earlier in the year, we found out that our friends Lori and Shannon were having twins. Suzan & I decided that we'd knit two blankets in the same yarn but in different patterns. Just like the twin boys, they'll be made of the same stuff but have their own unique personalities. Here's what we came up with - my old faithful chevron blanket and Suzan's random fantastic stripes. How does she make plain old stripes look so good? We used Corntastic yarn that's plied so not much fun to knit with but it is oh-so-soft. And all of the colours are muted and gorgeous. Months later and we're finally done. We have to get those blankets in the mail before the boys start preschool. . .

So what to do with our cold day? We have to go to the Mac store today so we'll probably stop in for some yummy Thai lunch downtown, check out Christmas mugs at Starbucks and then I'd love to spend the rest of my day with my trusty Bernina attaching little pieces of fabric to other little pieces of fabric.

Tomorrow we're going to the most amazing Harvest Dinner at a local farm where we're enrolled in the CSA program. Every fall they host a huge party with chefs from local fantastic restaurants who cook using only proteins and produce from the farm. Delicious. I look forward to it every year. I wish I could take you all along.
