First, I'd like to introduce you to my two new sisters-in-law, Bayley (left) and Bessie (right). Scott's parents lost their dog Fred Thanksgiving weekend. It was really hard on everyone and Dad swore that he'd never have another dog because he couldn't take the pain of losing one. That lasted all of two weeks. By Christmas, he was already in major new puppy agitation mode. We tried hard to convince them that they needed to get two puppies but they resisted. They found these little cuties online from a breeder in Texas. Dad printed pictures out and dragged them around and emailed them to poll his friends and family on which one they should choose and they decided on Bayley. They'd had her for just a few days when they decided they needed Bessie too. (Don't make me say I told you so. . .) They are as sweet as they can be. Crazy hyper puppies but super sweet. Oh. And those puppy bellies. . . Sigh. I miss those fat puppy belly days. And our kids got along just fine with them. I called Roscoe "Officer Harrell" all weekend because he would bark and nudge when he needed to put someone back in line.
And I finished these last week -

(Scott vetoed any of the pictures I took of the front or side of the hat being online so you'll have to make do with the back. Which is fine because it's the best part of the hat, but the cutest part of the boy is hidden. . . )
I'm working on a sort-of-secret project but I can share it here because I don't think any of my fellow travelers read the blog. Remember I said we were going to South Africa in July? Even though it'll be steamy here, it'll be winter there. We came up with a brilliant plan to knit hats for all eight of the travelers. Here are the first two. I love them. Pattern for my hat here and Scott's hat here. My problem is that I want to keep them all. Selfish selfish. But hats crank out so easily that I could give them away and knit another for me quickly. And then I have to remind myself that I don't really wear hats. . .