. . . or not, depending on how you look at it. I saw this car this week and it made me feel a bit better about my upcoming birthday. (Not that I'm feeling bad, mind you. I'm walking on clouds lately.) But then I got this birthday package in the mail from my loopy, soon-to-be stepdad Dan and he brought me right back down to earth and reminded me that I'm no spring chicken. . .

I started the day off by getting up early and making breakfast, something I never do anymore. I found this pancake mix months ago that has those big fat chocolate chips with little chunks of bacon inside. CRAZY amounts of delicious. (Those of you that haven't tried this combo are just going to have to trust me. For those of you that don't eat bacon, I'm truly sorry for your loss.)

After we downed those, I felt like a beached whale so it was off to the gym to run at lunchtime. Two miles + one mile walking + 30 minutes on the stair stepper and I was feeling right again. Even Scott gave running a go yesterday. After that we went downtown and picked up our marriage license. Which is making it all feel really real. Which it should because it's only three weeks from today. And then we went to the Mac store and both got new iPhones. Brilliant. How have I lived without the new one for these last few months??? And then, in torrential downpours, we made our way back out to the islands and Scott took me to dinner at this lovely little restaurant where we proceded to stuff ourselves. Again. Delicious. And wonderful. A really over the top happy kind of day.
I love birthdays.