12 May 2012

The worst

Crushed. Gutted. Sick. I know that there are worse things in the world than what I'm about to type but for a quilter, this is fairly catastrophic.

See that lovely quilt two posts down? The one that took so many hours of cutting and piecing and soul searching about sending it off to a quilter? It's gone. I gave it to Kelly when we were at the beach last week because I wanted to hand it to her and not just send it through the mail. But my intention all along was to ship it back to California because it was crazy for her to try to juggle luggage, her dog and a massive quilt through the airport. We returned home on Sunday and I shipped it on Monday. It was set to arrive on Thursday and I'd even set up an email notification with FedEx so that I'd know when it was delivered. On Thursday, I got my email so I thought all was well. When Kelly got home from work, nothing. Gone. No quilt on her doorstep.

FedEx claims that they're investigating. The driver says he came back out to her house yesterday to make sure he'd left it at the right house. If he left it at the wrong house, Kelly's name, address and phone number are all on the box. Surely by now the recipient would have noticed that the package was in the wrong place and contacted her. If the driver did leave it at the right place, the only possibility is that someone saw a package on her doorstep and took it. What upsets me the most is that a package thief isn't going to care about a quilt. You can't sell it or pawn it. It's not really worth anything to anyone monetarily. Which means that she's probably going to end up in the trash somewhere.

It almost makes me not want to sew today. I feel helpless. And the worst part is that I want to make another quilt for Kelly but I just don't have it in me to cut 1500+ pieces of scrap again. That took weeks of cutting.



  1. I actually felt sick upon reading this ;( I'm so sorry!! Hold out hope you never know what will happen. I pray it finds it's way back to her or you.

  2. oh hunny! I am soo sorry to hear this! I can't imagine how discouraging that must be. I wi keep my fingers crossed for it's safe return to you!!

  3. oh, I loved that quilt. :( If you decide to make another I'd be happy to cut a few pieces for you.

  4. OH NO!!!! That is horrible. I am so sorry this happend to you and hope for the quilts safe return. I'm with Amanda, I'd love to cut some pieced for you to if you make another.

  5. My heart just skipped a beat reading this. What can possibly be said?!?! I'm sitting here crying for you.

  6. I echo what everyone else has said--so so so sorry about this. I get so attached to my quilts and I can't imagine losing one of them. And I hate it when I think that someone who doesn't really adore quilts got such a beautiful one. I'm hoping, with all my fingers crossed, that it finds its way back to your friend. Really I do.


  7. Just let me know, and I will cut pieces, too. My heart sank as I read about the poor quilt!

  8. nooooooooo! I feel like we should organize a search party, put up missing quilt signs around the neighborhood...ohhhh, I am so sorry!!!!!

  9. Oh, that's so awful! I think you were wise to send it via FedEx, and hopefully they will recover it. Or the accidental recipient will take it to its rightful owner. I'll look forward to seeing a happy update! :)
