Before I am accused of loving one child more than the other, please look upon my other lovely pup and his new collar. Roscoe isn't one for pillows or blankets or other such things but he needed a handmade something too. As in clothing for children, all the best fabric is girly. I chose this Joel Dewberry fabric because I thought it would look handsome on my little man. I found the pattern here -
http://keyka.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/05/recyled-dog-col.html. It was very easy and I was able to recycle the clasp and ring from an old collar. Next time I'll use heavier interfacing because his name tag wants to slide off. Other than that, I see this as the first of many collars I'll be making.
And in other news, the baby blanket is almost done. I washed it this morning and it's on the blocking mat now. I put it in the washer with great fear in my heart. This is the first project I've done with that amount of stitching in of ends and I was terrified that it would all unravel. Fortunately, that was not the case and everything looks A-OK. Now hopefully it will maintain some sort of normal shape once it dries. Behold the Franken-blanket.
(P.S. I LOVE this little thing and desperately want to keep it for myself. If it hadn't been such a pain in the arse to knit, I'd be starting up another right away. And if you're so inspired, it's based on Joseph's Blankie of Many Colors from Mason-Dixon Knitting.)