I've taken an unnaturally long break away from the blog. The last post was pretty dismal, I know. And even though I know I have all my interwebs friends hoping and praying for the safe return of my quilt, I'm sad to report that I've had no word of its whereabouts. I've moved on. No point dwelling on it.
I hope you don't all think that I've been crying and drowning my sorrows in some delicious gin & tonics. Quite the contrary dear friends. Here is my somewhat frightening list of works in progress -
1. Baby quilt for my hairdresser's first baby. This one still needs quilting.
2. Baby quilt for another friend. I'm sewing the binding on now.
3. Twin sized quilt that I've been working on for over a year. Sigh. All 35 star blocks are done. This just needs sashing and border. Oh. And a back and quilting.
4. Three quilts for Africa in various stages of progress.
5. And two more quilts for Africa for which I have vague plans.
Did I mention these all have to be done by the middle of July? July 2012???
I finished the wall hanging above for Mother's Day which happened to fall on the same week the other quilt went missing, which signaled the loss of my blogging mojo. Super easy
pattern was from Teaginny Designs. I think the lovely Tammy at Marmalade Fabrics has a
bundle all put together for you. Happily, I already had most of these fabrics in my stash. I think I only had to order two. I had enough Kona Snow to do the back but I opted for a sort of aqua blue crossweave instead. It was lovely even though I forgot to take pictures of it. My finished product varies slightly from the pattern. I was cutting fabric and chatting with friends and must have made errors in my calculations because I had to add a few bits on ends to get it to all square up properly, but this isn't really a pattern that needs to be followed to a T. I love it and I think my mom did too.
I found this little quilt on the Teaginny blog last year and knew I needed to make it for her and these colors were perfect. When I lived in California, we used to hunt for seaglass on the beach near our houses. Finding blue glass was a treasure! Happiest of happy days. (Love you soooo much, Mom. I miss those days.)
Back so soon with more finishes.
Linking up-
