So as everyone who knows me (and loves me) is aware, I'm the world's worst procrastinator, particularly if I'm scared of doing something. And the worst part is that while I'm procrastinating, I beat myself up for doing it. Why am I so afraid of jumping in? What do I think will happen? I think that's what's been going on with this quilt back. Scott has done his part and spent plenty of time with his Xbox buddies lately so I've had ample time to finish this thing. But I lay everything out, get all mentally prepped to do it, and then get sucked in by reading blogs or etsy. For those of you that aren't familiar - www.etsy.com. Let me apologize in advance. . .
Anyway, I hatched the plot for this one with some help from my very crafty Friend/stand-in-east-coast-mom Suzan. Figuring out the actual execution details took me a bit longer. See that fab strip on the left hand side? That is one of each of the fabrics in the quilt. And my first real attempt at applique -

And you must sign and date your quilts.

After I got this all assembled, I thought of better names. Like Electric Bunnyland. Or Project Bunway (since the fabric was designed by Project Runway Season 1 winner Jay McCarroll). Oh well. The tulips are cute next to my name. Still love those crazy little bugs. And the little bit of fabric above the tag was a scrap that an etsy seller (I apologize again, but seriously, go check it out) sent me. It was only large enough for that small strip on the back. Thanks anonymous fabric lady!!
So now I just have to pull it together to assemble everything and start quilting. When I was at my local quilt shop last week buying the batting, I asked an older, more experienced quilter there for some advice about thread and things. She asked me how I was planning on doing the actual quilting. I told her my idea and she just shook her head at me. She said that I was taking on a process that was way too ambitious for a first quilt. I disagree. And if I used the crosshatching process that she suggested, I'd never be happy with it because it wouldn't be my vision of how this was all supposed to be. The shop owner who had been listening in threw her hands up and explained to this other woman that there was just no talking sense into me. That I was going to do what I was going to do. Maybe she's right. Maybe I'm crazy. But it just may be a lunatic that makes this quilt. (Blatant Billy Joel ripoff.)
And here's my current TV knitting project. It's a Christmas present for someone (tease!) but you won't get the name out of me since this person may or may not be someone who drops by. . . Anyway, this was the whole reason I learned cabling. And it's the first thing I've attempted to do from a chart. It's going to need a major amount of blocking to stop the roll but I'm pleased with how it has turned out. (P.S. Using tiny sock yarn for knitting a scarf maybe isn't the best idea, especially if you need it to come together quickly. But OH how I adore those baby little rosewood needles.)
